During my previous career in Political Science, I published over 40 analytical articles, policy briefs, research papers and presented at over 30 events in English, German, Russian and Ukrainian. I have spoken in front of different audiences - policy makers, experts, researchers, students and general interested public. I also gave interviews to German local newspapers, radio stations and online news magazines. You can find the list of my presentations and articles below. My main areas of expertise were politics and economics of Ukraine, democratization and energy policy.
For almost 5 years I worked in a similar to a Product Manager role in academic setting - I was a Managing Editor of online analytical digest “Ukraine-Analysen” (3500+ subscribers) with two weeks publication deadlines. As a Managing Editor, I developed high-impact content of 60+ issues. I am proud to say that digest’s subscription base grew by 35% under my management or over 1,000 extra highly-engaging subscribers.
I managed the digest during the critical time of increased international attention to Ukraine - the so called Ukrainian Crisis 2014 (Euromaidan Revolution, Annexation of Crimea, War in Donbass). “Ukraine-Analysen” provided unbiased analysis of the evolving events free of charge and was read by high-level decision makers in Germany.
Public Speaking
Interviews for Newspapers, Radio, TV
- Spiegel Online, News Magazine (02/22/2016)
- Focus Online, News Magazine (02/19/2015)
- Deutsche Presseagentur (DPA), German News Agency (02/10/2014)
- Deutschlandfunk, public-broadcasting Radio Station in Germany (05/18/2014)
- Delmenhorster Kreisblatt, Newspaper in Delmenhorst (04/01/2014)
- e-politik.de, Online Magazine in Munich (02/27/2014)
- Focus Online, News Magazine (02/24/2014)
- Buten un binnen, Bremen TV (02/21/2014)
- Nordwest Radio Bremen, Radio in Bremen (02/21/2014)
- SAT1 Regional, News TV (02/21/2014)
- Focus Online, News Magazine (02/05/2014)
- Weser-Kurier, Newspaper in Bremen (01/23/2014)
- Eurasia.net, News Website (12/19/2013)
- Funkhaus Europa, Radio Bremen (12/03/2013)
Public Talks & Lectures
- Lecture “How to write Analytical Texts” [in Ukrainian], PAIC Workshop for Representatives of Ukrainian Think Tanks by the Institute for European Politics (IEP, Berlin), October 18-20, 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Lecture “The Euromaidan and its Consequences. The Political Situation in Ukraine”, Akademie Franz Hitze Haus (together with Center for Democracy and Peace Research at the University of Osnabrück), June 22, 2017, Münster, Germany
- Lecture “Civil Society in Ukraine: Challenges before and after Euromaidan”, 10. Centropa Summer Academy, July 11, 2016, Berlin, Germany
- Panel Discussion “The World after Chernobyl and Fukushima” at the Opening of the Photo Exhibition “30 Years of Chernobyl. Four Photographers - Four Perspectives”, Media Center of the German Federal Agency for Civic Education / bpp, May 12, 2016, Bonn, Germany
- Lecture “Ukraine between the EU and Russia”, Stiftung Christlich-Soziale Politik e.V., October 29, 2015, Königswinter, Germany
- Lecture “New Energy for Ukraine? Energy Politics as the Key to Security and Prosperity”, European Academy Berlin, September 15, 2015, Berlin, Germany
- Panel Discussion at the Opening of the Photo Exhibition about Euromaidan, Bremen Chamber of Labor, April 15, 2015, Bremen, Germany
- Q&A Session for Friedrich Ebert Foundation Scholarship holders at the Research Center for East European Studies, March 28, 2015, Bremen, Germany
- Discussion Moderator at the Workshop “Economic Perspectives of Ukraine after the Association Agreement with the EU”, University of Bremen, March 23, 2015, Bremen, Germany
- Lecture “The Ukrainian Crisis - Background and Current Problems”, BDIC Bildungswerk e.V., March 3, 2015, Bad Bevensen, Germany
- Introduction to a Film Screening “Mein Glück” (Original Title “Schastye moe” Filmdrama, DE/UA/NL 2010), City 46 Cinema, September 20, 2014, Bremen, Germany
- Lecture “Ukraine’s Energy Security: Challenges of Geopolitical Crisis”, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Kiew, June 10, 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Panel Discussion “Who Divides Ukraine?”, Center for Conflict Studies at the University of Marburg, May 15, 2014, Marburg, Germany
- Lecture “Ukraine in Crisis”, Volkshochschule Oldenburg, March 28, 2014, Oldenburg, Germany
- Panel Discussion “Ukraine, Donetsk and Us”, SPD Members’ Meeting (together with the member of German Bundestag Axel Schäfer MdB), March 27, 2014, Bochum, Germany
- Panel Discussion “Ukraine in Crisis”, Haus der Wissenschaft, March 12, 2014, Bremen, Germany
- Q&A Session for German Chancellor Fellows Humboldt Foundation at the Research Center for East European Studies, March 3, 2014, Bremen, Germany
- Lecture “Energy Governance: between the EU and Eastern Partnership. The Example of Ukraine”, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, February 18, 2014, Berlin, Germany
- Lecture “The Ukrainian Crisis - Background and Current Problems”, Volkshochschule Beverungen/Gymnasium Beverungen, January 21, 2014, Beverungen, Germany
- Panel Discussion “Ukraine: Orange Revolution 2.0?”, Lew Kopelew Forum, December 16, 2013, Cologne, Germany
- Panel Discussion “Quo Vadis Ukraine?” (together with the member of German Bundestag Marieluise Beck MdB), EuropaPunktBremen, December 6, 2013, Bremen, Germany
- Lecture “Gas Relations between Russia and Ukraine in the context of Ukrainian Presidential Elections 2010”, the European Integration Center, March 2010, Rostock, Germany
Speaker at Academic Conferences
- “Reacting to uncertainty in partial democracies: the role of negative framing in power struggles in Ukrainian energy politics, 1990s-2000s”, ZOiS PhD Colloquium, Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS), December 8, 2016, Berlin, Germany
- “The Role of Negative Framing in Hybrid Regimes: Case Study of the Gas Politics of Ukraine”, Workshop “Ukraine: Postsowjetische Gesellschaft im Wandel”, Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (KWI), February 12-13, 2016, Essen, Germany.
- “The Consequences of Negative Framing for Foreign-Policy Making in Hybrid Regimes: case studies from the gas politics of Ukraine”, ICCEES IX World Congress 2015, August 3-8, 2015, Makuhari, Japan.
- “Analysis of Deputy-Ministers Appointment Patterns in Ukraine in 1990-2009”, BASEES Annual Conference 2014 at the University of Cambridge, April 5-7, 2014, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
- “Bureaucratic Politicization – a Feature of the Ukrainian Politics?”, Workshop “Democratizing the Ukrainian State? Grassroots and Elite Alignments in Contemporary Ukraine”, October 10-11, 2013, Berlin, Germany.
- “Neither the EU, nor Russia? But Domestic Power Games. Explaining the Ukraine’s Foreign Energy Politics”, Conference “What Can Tempt Ukraine to Get Back on the Democratization Path? Kyiv between the EU’s Eastern Partnership and Russia’s Eurasian Union”, September 12-13, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- “The Struggle over Ukraine’s Gas Transit Pipeline Network through the Lenses of Securitization Theory”, the 8th Changing Europe Summer School “Export Pipelines from the CIS Region. National Debates, Political Decision-Making and Geopolitics”, August 11-18, 2013, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
- “Populist Games: Discourse on Domestic Gas Prices in Ukraine in 2005-2011”, the 4th ECPR Graduate Conference, July 4-6, 2012, Jacobs University, Bremen, Germany.
- “Consolidation of East-West Polarization in Ukraine through Instrumentalization of Energy Policy Discourses“, the 18th Session of the Young Experts on Eastern Europe, October 22-24, 2010, Berlin, Germany
- “Ukraine as a Neo-patrimonial State: Understanding Political Change in Ukraine in 2005-2010”, the ICCEES VIII World Congress, July 26-31, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
- “EU Membership Ambitions: What Alternative Approaches Exist and How is the European Foreign Policy Perceived in Ukraine?”, Workshop “The EU Member States and the Eastern Neighborhood - from Compound to Single EU Foreign Policy?”, Center for Applied Policy Research (C•A•P), June 25-26, 2009, Munich, Germany
Analytical articles
- “Poroshenko’s Anti-Corruption Policy: Ukrainian Civil Society between Scylla and Charybdis” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 189/2017, pp.17-19.
- “Post-Minsk Reality: Consequences of Donbas Blockade by Ukrainian Right-Wing Radicals and ‘Nationalization’ of Companies by ‘People’s Republics’ [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 184/2017, pp. 2-11.
- “The Debate over an Armed OSCE Mission in Eastern Ukraine” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 171/2016, pp.19-20.
- “Legitimation Crisis of the President and Fragile Balance of Power [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 169/2016, pp. 2-3.
- “It’s All about Business: The Crimean Blockade and the Reality of Economic Relations with the Crimea after One and a Half Years of Annexation” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 158/2015, pp. 5-9.
- “European Values versus the War Logic in Ukraine” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 145/2015, pp. 11-12.
- “The Crimean Crisis - on the Brink of a New Cold War” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 129/2014, pp. 3-5.
- “Ukraine after the EU Summit in Vilnius: Failure to Sign the Association Agreement, Police Violence and Radicalization of the Mass Protests“ [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 125/2013, pp. 2-7.
- “Ukraine before the EU Summit in Vilnius: External Actors Attempt to Influence, Goverment Changes apruptly the Foreign Policy Course and People Gather in favor of the European Integration“ [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 124/2013 pp. 2-5.
- “Ukraine at Crossroads? Continuation of the Multi-Vector Politics and Politics of Half Steps” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 119/2013, pp. 19-21.
- “The Oligarchization of the Ukrainian Energy Sector under Victor Yanukovych 2010–2012” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 112/2013, pp. 2-6.
- “Parliamentary Elections in Ukraine in 2012: Victory for Yanukovych without Majority Support”, Ukraine-Analysen 109/2013, pp. 2-5.
- “The New Ice Age in Gas Relations between Russia and Ukraine” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 94/2011, pp. 18-22.
- “The Natural Gas Business with Ukraine: Who will Benefit from the New Cooperation?” [in German], Russland-Analysen 204/2010, pp. 4-9.
- “Tensions with Belarus: Energy Dispute instead of Customs Union” [in German], Russland-Analysen 204/2010, pp. 17-19.
- “Ukrainian-Russian Gas Relations After the 2009 Conflict: The Current Situation and Future Prospects”, Russian Analytical Digest 75/2010, pp. 5-9.
- “Viktor Yanukovych Has not Yet Consolidated Power as a President” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 80/2010, pp. 17-18.
- “The Ukrainian-Russian Gas Relations after the 2009 Conflict” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 73/2010, pp. 2-6.
- “The Ukrainian Presidential Elections 2010: Elections without a Winner” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 67/2009, pp. 2-4.
- “In the Debt Pit: The Economic Perspective for Ukraine in 2009” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 66/2009, pp. 13-15.
- “The EU Energy Security and the Issue of Gas Transit. An analytical framework” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 58/2009, pp. 7-12.
- “Crisis^2 = political crisis x economic crisis” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 51/2009, pp. 12-14.
- “The New Gas Contract: Threats and Risks for Ukraine” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 50/2009, pp. 5-8.
- “Ukraine’s NATO Integration: Two Steps Back, One Step Forward” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 49/2008, pp. 8-10.
- “Ukraine as a Chessboard 2: The Show Must Go on” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 48/2008, pp. 2-5.
- “The IMF loan for Ukraine: Escaped State Bankruptcy - ‘Hard Landing’ Inevitable” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 47/2008, pp. 2-3.
- “The Money Bubble: the Impact of Global Financial Crisis 2008 on Ukraine” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 46/2008, pp. 2-4.
- “Ukraine as a Chessboard: the Logic of the Political Crisis in 2008” [in German], Ukraine-Analysen 45/2008, pp. 2-4.
- “Brand “Ukraine” will be reloaded in 2012”, Current Politics in Ukraine, May 2008
- “Blockading the Verkhovna Rada”, Current Politics in Ukraine, March 2008
Consulting / Policy Briefs
- “Shale Gas Production: Views from Germany and Ukraine“ [in Russian], Ukrainian Journal “Energy: Oil & Gas” 4/2013, pp. 66-71.
- “Europeanizing Environmental Impact Assessment in Ukraine” [Policy Brief], ICPS European Focus No. 16, International Center for Policy Studies, May 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- “3rd European-Ukrainian Energy Day: Analysis and Recommendations”, Conference Summary Report, International Center for Policy Studies, May 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Second country expert for the Bertelsmann Transformation Index (BTI) 2012, Country Report Ukraine, April 2011.
- Co-author of the Political-Economic Short Analyses (PÖK) on Ukraine, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)/German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA), December 2010.
Academic papers & theses
- “Reacting to Uncertainty in Partial Democracies: the Role of Negative Framing in Power Struggles in Ukrainian Energy Politics, 1990s-2000s”, PhD Thesis, University of Bremen, 2017, Bremen.
- “The Struggle over Ukraine’s Gas Transit Pipeline Network through the Lenses of Securitization Theory”, in: Heinrich A./Pleines H. (eds.): Export Pipelines from the CIS Region. Geopolitics, Securitization, and Political Decision-Making, ibidem-Verlag: Stuttgart, 2014, pp. 277-305.
- “Ukraine as a Neo-Patrimonial State: Understanding Political Change in Ukraine in 2005-2010”, South East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs (SEER), Vol. 13, No. 1/2010, pp. 7-27.
- “EU Membership Ambitions: What Alternative Approaches Exist and How is the European Foreign Policy Perceived in Ukraine?”, in: Schäffer, S. and Tolksdorf, D. (eds.): The EU Member States and the Eastern Neighbourhood - From Composite to Consistend EU Foreign Policy, CAP Policy Analysis, August 2009, pp. 24-28.
- “Consolidation of East-West Polarization in Ukraine through Instrumentalization of Energy Policy Discourses“ [in German], in: Working Paper of Research Center for East European Studies No. 109, September 2010, Bremen, pp. 32-36.
- “The EU’s Natural Gas Supply with Special Attention to Ukraine as a Transit Country” [in German], M.A. Thesis published as Working Paper of Research Center for East European Studies No. 105, October 2009, Bremen.
- PhD Thesis Completion Grant by the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS, Berlin, Germany), 2016/9 – 2017/2
- Graduate Fellowship by Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Germany) for writing a PhD Thesis, 12/2010 – 09/2013
- Grant from the OSI Think Tank Fund within a program “Think Tank Internships for MA and PhD Graduates” for completing an internship at the International Center for Policy Studies (ICPS, Kyiv, Ukraine), 2–6/2012
- DAAD/OSI Scholarship for obtaining a Master degree at the Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt (Germany), 10/2007 – 7/2009